Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Catcher In The Rye Essays (999 words) - Literary Realism

The Catcher in the Rye In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden views the world as an evil and corrupt place where there is no peace. This perception of the world does not change significantly through the novel. However as the novel progresses, Holden gradually comes to the realization that he is powerless to change this. During the short period of Holden's life covered in this book, "Holden does succeed in making us perceive that the world is crazy".1 Shortly after Holden leaves Pencey Prep he checks in to the Edmont Hotel. This is where Holden's turmoil begins. Holden spends the following evening in this hotel which was "full of perverts and morons. (There were) screwballs all over the place."2 His situation only deteriorates from this point on as the more he looks around this world, the more depressing life seems. Around every corner Holden sees evil. He looks out on a world which appears completely immoral and unscrupulous. The three days we learn of from the novel place a distressed Holden in the vicinity of Manhattan. The city is decked with decorations and holiday splendor, yet, much to Holden's despair "seldom yields any occasions of peace, charity or even genuine merriment."3 Holden is surrounded by what he views as drunks, perverts, morons and screwballs. These convictions which Holden holds waver very momentarily during only one particular scene in the book. The scene is that with Mr. Antolini. After Mr. Antolini patted Holden on the head while he was sleeping, Holden jumped up and ran out thinking that Mr. Antolini was a pervert as well. This is the only time during the novel where Holden thinks twice about considering someone as a pervert. After reviewing Mr. Antolini, Holden finally concludes that maybe he wasn't making a "flitty" pass at him. Maybe he just like patting guys heads as they sleep. This is really the only time in the novel where Holden actually considers a positive side. This event does not constitute a significant change. As Holden himself says, "It's not too bad when the sun's out, but the sun only comes out when it feels like coming out."4 The sun of course is a reference to decency through the common association of light and goodness. His perception of the world remains the same. The one conviction that does change during the novel is Holden's belief that he can change the world. On his date with Sally, Holden reveals his feelings. "Did you ever get fed up?... I mean did you ever get scared that everything was going to go lousy unless you did something..."5 Holden goes through several plans. Holden at one point contemplates heading out west where he will pretend to be a deaf-mute and live a quiet life. At another point Holden proposes to Sally to escape this world with him. It is finally to his younger sister Phoebe that Holden reveals his ultimate plan. Although Holden describes the situation in a very picturesque and symbolic manner he essentially tells Phoebe that he wants to prevent children from growing up. He blames the world's corruption on adults and believes that when he stops the children from growing up he will preserve their innocence and save the world. It takes most of the book before Holden begins to realize that he is helpless to stop this corruption. Finally, he realizes that not only is there nothing that he can do, but there is nowhere he can go to hide from it. Holden takes awhile to comprehend these concepts. One good example is when Holden is delivering the note to his sister. He encounters a "fuck-you" written on the wall. Holden careful rubs this off with his hand so as to protect the innocent children from reading it. Later on he finds "fuck-you" scratched into the surface with a knife. He discovers that he can't efface this one. Even in the timeless peace of the Egyptian tomb room at the museum there is an un-erasable "fuck-you." This incident is the beginning of Holden's realization that his dreams are infeasible.6 Ironically enough, it is one of the "innocent" children that he is trying to protect who helps him come to terms with this realization. It is

Monday, November 25, 2019

Is Grade Inflation inHigh School Real

Is Grade Inflation inHigh School Real SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips High school grades are very important in the college application process, but they may not always be the most accurate reflection of a student’s abilities. Grade inflation is a problem in many high schools, and it can result in issues down the line in terms of college performance and admissions chances. In this article, I’ll go through what grade inflation is and how it affects you as a high school student. What Is Grade Inflation? Unfortunately, grade inflation is not when your teacher decides to give you a balloon with your grade written on it instead of a report card (that would be kind of nice because even if you did badly, hey, a balloon).Grade inflation is when average grades are skewed artificially high because class assessments are too easy and/or teachers are too lenient. If grades are inflated because a teacher is an easy grader, the average grade for a class will not accurately reflect the quality of the students’ work.A student might get an A on a project that really deserved no more than a B.If grades are inflated because a teacher gives easy assignments, the average grade will only reflect students’ ability to complete simple tasks and not an understanding of the complexities of the material.Often, both of these problems are present at once in the case of classes that have severe grade inflation. Grade inflation happens for several reasons.High schools want to look good in comparison to other schools with less grade inflation, so it’s beneficial for them to give out high grades even if those grades are not fully earned.This makes the student body look more high-achieving and the teachers appear more effective.Some teachers may also avoid giving low grades because kids and parents will complain and make more trouble for the teacher than it’s worth. Teachers might also give higher grades to students who haven’t fully earned them because they don’t want to ruin students’ chances for college or prevent them from participating in extracurricular activities.Since a much higher percentage of students attend college nowadays, it makes sense that average grades have risen significantly.A decent GPA is critical if a student hopes to be accepted to college, and teachers don’t want to ruin anyone’s future. Grade inflation? Is Grade Inflation a Problem in High Schools? Overall, yes, grade inflation is an ongoing issue in high schools.This is not to say that all grades in high school are inflated; situations vary significantly from school to school and also between classes in the same schools.Based on the data, however, we can see a general trend towards higher average high school grades over the years. From 1990 to 2009, average high school GPA increased by .33 points for female students (from a 2.77 to a 3.1) and .31 points for male students (from a 2.59 to a 2.9). In 2007, the National Household Education Survey reported that 81% of high school students receive mostly As and Bs in their classes.The average high school GPA is now around a 3.0, which translates to a B average. High schools don’t want to look like they’re performing poorly in comparison to the competition, so they may give students more slack to avoid high numbers of failing grades or a larger percentage of dropouts. Is Grade Inflation a Problem at Colleges? It’s not just high schools that struggle with grade inflation.Colleges are even worse offenders, and it’s often the most selective colleges that have the biggest problems with grade inflation.The average GPA at four-year colleges is around a 3.1, but grades may be more or less inflated based on the school you attend and the major you study.For example, the average GPA for education majors is a 3.36 while the average GPA for chemistry majors is a 2.78.Overall, humanities majors have higher GPAs on average.As I mentioned, highly selective private colleges tend to have the worst grade inflation. The average GPA at Stanford is a 3.55!You can learn more about average college GPAs in this article. Grade inflation is more of a problem in college for several reasons.Professors are sometimes judged based on student feedback, and students who earn poor grades often blame the professor or criticize the class in retaliation. This happens mostly with adjunct professors who have semester-long contracts that may or may not be renewed based on their performance. Bad reviews can be very harmful to new professors who are vulnerable in their careers. Students and parents also expect high grades so that they can feel like they’re getting the most for their money (this partially explains why expensive private colleges have more problems with grade inflation).Professors also don’t want to ruin students’ chances in the job world or the graduate school application process.Since the world has normalized Bs as average, giving out lower grades can do a lot of damage to a student’s future. I THINK this book is satire, but I'm not totally sure. Some people have a weird fascination with preppiness.Also, what's more inflated at private schools? The grades or the egos? Zing! What Are the Consequences of Grade Inflation? Grade inflation in high schools has numerous positive and negative repercussions for students.It is a problematic trend in general, but it can provide some benefits to students who are struggling. The Positives: More Students Have a Chance of Attending College Grade inflation in a high school means that more students will have good GPAs and better chances of attending higher education institutions.Of course, since colleges know that grade inflation exists, many have adopted higher admissions standards. However,in schools with grade inflation, more students will meet the bare minimum requirements for getting into college. Students with GPAs that are above a 2.0 (or a C average) in high school can usually expect to be admitted to at least one less selective college as long as their test scores aren’t extremely low.This means that even students who perform at a level significantly below average in high school have a chance of attending college.Some students end up doing much better in college than in high school because they’re more interested in what they’re studying and are less distracted by problems at home. Students Are Less Likely to Give Up on Education If you’re failing a class, it can be tempting to say â€Å"I’m not cut out for this† and stop trying or drop out of school completely.Since teachers are giving out fewerfailing grades, this is less common now than it was even twenty years ago.The overall high school dropout rate fell from 12 percent in 1990 to just 6 percent in 2013. Earning a high school diploma at minimum is very important for future employment prospects.Many students who otherwise would have failed out of school may have access to a more promising future because of various forms of grade inflation.This is not to say that the lowering of the dropout rate is solely due to grade inflation.Grade inflation is just one of the contributing factors to a positive educational trend. Your kindergarten diploma can only get you so far. You have to know the names of WAY more shapes to function in the adult world. The Negatives: It’s Harder for Top Students to Stand Out When grade inflation is an issue, it means that it’s more difficult to differentiate between students.Since so many people get high grades, it can be hard to separate relatively average students from excellent students.Grades only go up so high, and if you lower the ceiling, more people are going to be able to reach it.This can be harmful because it prevents students with lots of potential from distinguishing themselves and may damage their chances of getting into selective colleges.Grade inflation gives even the highest grades less significance in the eyes of admissions officers. Colleges Have to Rely More Heavily on Test Scores If admissions officers notice that a high school has GPA distribution patterns that indicate grade inflation (like a higher than normal percentage of students earning As in most of their classes), it’s hard for them to separate the average students from the great students without using test scores.This means that the admissions decision will rely less on GPA and more on test scores, which can be detrimental for some students. For example, a student might be very academically driven but earn a mediocre standardized test score because they didn’t have time to prep effectively.This student would be penalized by grade inflation because their high GPA wouldn’t mean as much in the eyes of colleges.He or shewould be seen as a less qualified applicant than other students with slightly higher scores but average academic ability masked by grade inflation. Colleges are looking for quality, and test scores are an easy way for them to make judgments. Every admissions office is also haunted by a strange blue and white figure known only as "The Gradient." Sometimes when they work late, admissions officers can hear him whisper "quality" softly into their ears. Schools With Less Grade Inflation May Be Penalized One of the reasons why grade inflation has continued to rise is because schools fear that they will fall behind if they don’t conform to new GPA standards.Students at a school with severe grade inflation may look better on paper to colleges than students at a school without grade inflation even if both groups have exactly the same ability level.This means that schools are pressured to adopt lower standards for high grades so that they can maintain a good reputation and avoid putting their students at a disadvantage. Students Are More Unprepared for College When high school grades are inflated, students end up with a skewed idea of the amount of effort they need to put into their schoolwork in order to get good grades.They may be earning high grades for work that is barely up to the basic standards at some colleges. This can lead to a very tough academic adjustment period at the beginning of college.Students are often discouraged when they find that they can’t get the same results in college classes as they did in high school.They may not know how to study or write effectively because their growth in these areas was stunted by classes in high school that were too easy. Unprepared students vs. the college workload: a truly Sisyphean journey How Can You Tell If Your School Has Grade Inflation, and What Should You Do About It? It should be relatively easy to figure out whether your high school is a part of the grade inflation trend. If you look up the average GPA for your school online and find that it's a 3.0 or higher, your school has a higher than average rate of grade inflation. This also depends on whether your school uses weighted or unweighted GPAs. If it uses weighted GPAs, it's reasonable to expect the average GPA to be slightly higher. If your school has problems with grade inflation, don't worry too much about making big changes to your academic strategies. However, there are certain things that are even more important for students who go to high schools with significant grade inflation. Taking difficult classes is always a good idea if you hope to be admitted to selective colleges, but it's even more critical at this type of high school. If most students' grades are artificially high, the best way to show that you're a cut above is to take the most demanding courses you can. Even if grade inflation is a problem, high grades in these courses will carry significantly more weight with colleges and will show that you went the extra mile to challenge yourself. Standardized test scores are also more important if you go to a school with grade inflation. If colleges can't fully trust your grades to give them an accurate picture of your academic abilities, they will look more closely at your test scores. It's a good idea to prepare extensively for the SAT or ACT so that you end up with an impressive score that validates your high GPA. Go forth and conquer the college application process! Also, if you recognize the hairy arm in this picture, please notify the police - this guy is wanted for the murder of the Sun. Conclusion Grade inflation is a problem in high schools across the country.The average grades of high school students have risen significantly over the past twenty years.This is a result of increased competition amongst high schools as more students go on to attend college. Avoiding handing out bad grades is often advantageous for the administration, but it can hurt students down the road in some cases.Although grade inflation may allow more students to attend college, it also means that they're underprepared and are judged less accurately in the admissions process.Grade inflation makes it difficult for admissions officers to assess student abilities and reach validconclusions. Grade inflation may or may not be a big problem at your high school. To combat its negative effects, keep challenging yourself academically, and don't get too comfortable with an easy A! What's Next? Are you concerned about your academic performance in high school? Here's a step by step guide to calculating your GPA based on your grades so farand some advice on how to improve before you apply to college. How do you know if your GPA is good enough? Check out this article to find out what a good or bad GPA might mean for you. You can also read our expert guide on which classes you should take in high school to learn more about structuring your schedule. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Is Grade Inflation inHigh School Real

Is Grade Inflation inHigh School Real SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips High school grades are very important in the college application process, but they may not always be the most accurate reflection of a student’s abilities. Grade inflation is a problem in many high schools, and it can result in issues down the line in terms of college performance and admissions chances. In this article, I’ll go through what grade inflation is and how it affects you as a high school student. What Is Grade Inflation? Unfortunately, grade inflation is not when your teacher decides to give you a balloon with your grade written on it instead of a report card (that would be kind of nice because even if you did badly, hey, a balloon).Grade inflation is when average grades are skewed artificially high because class assessments are too easy and/or teachers are too lenient. If grades are inflated because a teacher is an easy grader, the average grade for a class will not accurately reflect the quality of the students’ work.A student might get an A on a project that really deserved no more than a B.If grades are inflated because a teacher gives easy assignments, the average grade will only reflect students’ ability to complete simple tasks and not an understanding of the complexities of the material.Often, both of these problems are present at once in the case of classes that have severe grade inflation. Grade inflation happens for several reasons.High schools want to look good in comparison to other schools with less grade inflation, so it’s beneficial for them to give out high grades even if those grades are not fully earned.This makes the student body look more high-achieving and the teachers appear more effective.Some teachers may also avoid giving low grades because kids and parents will complain and make more trouble for the teacher than it’s worth. Teachers might also give higher grades to students who haven’t fully earned them because they don’t want to ruin students’ chances for college or prevent them from participating in extracurricular activities.Since a much higher percentage of students attend college nowadays, it makes sense that average grades have risen significantly.A decent GPA is critical if a student hopes to be accepted to college, and teachers don’t want to ruin anyone’s future. Grade inflation? Is Grade Inflation a Problem in High Schools? Overall, yes, grade inflation is an ongoing issue in high schools.This is not to say that all grades in high school are inflated; situations vary significantly from school to school and also between classes in the same schools.Based on the data, however, we can see a general trend towards higher average high school grades over the years. From 1990 to 2009, average high school GPA increased by .33 points for female students (from a 2.77 to a 3.1) and .31 points for male students (from a 2.59 to a 2.9). In 2007, the National Household Education Survey reported that 81% of high school students receive mostly As and Bs in their classes.The average high school GPA is now around a 3.0, which translates to a B average. High schools don’t want to look like they’re performing poorly in comparison to the competition, so they may give students more slack to avoid high numbers of failing grades or a larger percentage of dropouts. Is Grade Inflation a Problem at Colleges? It’s not just high schools that struggle with grade inflation.Colleges are even worse offenders, and it’s often the most selective colleges that have the biggest problems with grade inflation.The average GPA at four-year colleges is around a 3.1, but grades may be more or less inflated based on the school you attend and the major you study.For example, the average GPA for education majors is a 3.36 while the average GPA for chemistry majors is a 2.78.Overall, humanities majors have higher GPAs on average.As I mentioned, highly selective private colleges tend to have the worst grade inflation. The average GPA at Stanford is a 3.55!You can learn more about average college GPAs in this article. Grade inflation is more of a problem in college for several reasons.Professors are sometimes judged based on student feedback, and students who earn poor grades often blame the professor or criticize the class in retaliation. This happens mostly with adjunct professors who have semester-long contracts that may or may not be renewed based on their performance. Bad reviews can be very harmful to new professors who are vulnerable in their careers. Students and parents also expect high grades so that they can feel like they’re getting the most for their money (this partially explains why expensive private colleges have more problems with grade inflation).Professors also don’t want to ruin students’ chances in the job world or the graduate school application process.Since the world has normalized Bs as average, giving out lower grades can do a lot of damage to a student’s future. I THINK this book is satire, but I'm not totally sure. Some people have a weird fascination with preppiness.Also, what's more inflated at private schools? The grades or the egos? Zing! What Are the Consequences of Grade Inflation? Grade inflation in high schools has numerous positive and negative repercussions for students.It is a problematic trend in general, but it can provide some benefits to students who are struggling. The Positives: More Students Have a Chance of Attending College Grade inflation in a high school means that more students will have good GPAs and better chances of attending higher education institutions.Of course, since colleges know that grade inflation exists, many have adopted higher admissions standards. However,in schools with grade inflation, more students will meet the bare minimum requirements for getting into college. Students with GPAs that are above a 2.0 (or a C average) in high school can usually expect to be admitted to at least one less selective college as long as their test scores aren’t extremely low.This means that even students who perform at a level significantly below average in high school have a chance of attending college.Some students end up doing much better in college than in high school because they’re more interested in what they’re studying and are less distracted by problems at home. Students Are Less Likely to Give Up on Education If you’re failing a class, it can be tempting to say â€Å"I’m not cut out for this† and stop trying or drop out of school completely.Since teachers are giving out fewerfailing grades, this is less common now than it was even twenty years ago.The overall high school dropout rate fell from 12 percent in 1990 to just 6 percent in 2013. Earning a high school diploma at minimum is very important for future employment prospects.Many students who otherwise would have failed out of school may have access to a more promising future because of various forms of grade inflation.This is not to say that the lowering of the dropout rate is solely due to grade inflation.Grade inflation is just one of the contributing factors to a positive educational trend. Your kindergarten diploma can only get you so far. You have to know the names of WAY more shapes to function in the adult world. The Negatives: It’s Harder for Top Students to Stand Out When grade inflation is an issue, it means that it’s more difficult to differentiate between students.Since so many people get high grades, it can be hard to separate relatively average students from excellent students.Grades only go up so high, and if you lower the ceiling, more people are going to be able to reach it.This can be harmful because it prevents students with lots of potential from distinguishing themselves and may damage their chances of getting into selective colleges.Grade inflation gives even the highest grades less significance in the eyes of admissions officers. Colleges Have to Rely More Heavily on Test Scores If admissions officers notice that a high school has GPA distribution patterns that indicate grade inflation (like a higher than normal percentage of students earning As in most of their classes), it’s hard for them to separate the average students from the great students without using test scores.This means that the admissions decision will rely less on GPA and more on test scores, which can be detrimental for some students. For example, a student might be very academically driven but earn a mediocre standardized test score because they didn’t have time to prep effectively.This student would be penalized by grade inflation because their high GPA wouldn’t mean as much in the eyes of colleges.He or shewould be seen as a less qualified applicant than other students with slightly higher scores but average academic ability masked by grade inflation. Colleges are looking for quality, and test scores are an easy way for them to make judgments. Every admissions office is also haunted by a strange blue and white figure known only as "The Gradient." Sometimes when they work late, admissions officers can hear him whisper "quality" softly into their ears. Schools With Less Grade Inflation May Be Penalized One of the reasons why grade inflation has continued to rise is because schools fear that they will fall behind if they don’t conform to new GPA standards.Students at a school with severe grade inflation may look better on paper to colleges than students at a school without grade inflation even if both groups have exactly the same ability level.This means that schools are pressured to adopt lower standards for high grades so that they can maintain a good reputation and avoid putting their students at a disadvantage. Students Are More Unprepared for College When high school grades are inflated, students end up with a skewed idea of the amount of effort they need to put into their schoolwork in order to get good grades.They may be earning high grades for work that is barely up to the basic standards at some colleges. This can lead to a very tough academic adjustment period at the beginning of college.Students are often discouraged when they find that they can’t get the same results in college classes as they did in high school.They may not know how to study or write effectively because their growth in these areas was stunted by classes in high school that were too easy. Unprepared students vs. the college workload: a truly Sisyphean journey How Can You Tell If Your School Has Grade Inflation, and What Should You Do About It? It should be relatively easy to figure out whether your high school is a part of the grade inflation trend. If you look up the average GPA for your school online and find that it's a 3.0 or higher, your school has a higher than average rate of grade inflation. This also depends on whether your school uses weighted or unweighted GPAs. If it uses weighted GPAs, it's reasonable to expect the average GPA to be slightly higher. If your school has problems with grade inflation, don't worry too much about making big changes to your academic strategies. However, there are certain things that are even more important for students who go to high schools with significant grade inflation. Taking difficult classes is always a good idea if you hope to be admitted to selective colleges, but it's even more critical at this type of high school. If most students' grades are artificially high, the best way to show that you're a cut above is to take the most demanding courses you can. Even if grade inflation is a problem, high grades in these courses will carry significantly more weight with colleges and will show that you went the extra mile to challenge yourself. Standardized test scores are also more important if you go to a school with grade inflation. If colleges can't fully trust your grades to give them an accurate picture of your academic abilities, they will look more closely at your test scores. It's a good idea to prepare extensively for the SAT or ACT so that you end up with an impressive score that validates your high GPA. Go forth and conquer the college application process! Also, if you recognize the hairy arm in this picture, please notify the police - this guy is wanted for the murder of the Sun. Conclusion Grade inflation is a problem in high schools across the country.The average grades of high school students have risen significantly over the past twenty years.This is a result of increased competition amongst high schools as more students go on to attend college. Avoiding handing out bad grades is often advantageous for the administration, but it can hurt students down the road in some cases.Although grade inflation may allow more students to attend college, it also means that they're underprepared and are judged less accurately in the admissions process.Grade inflation makes it difficult for admissions officers to assess student abilities and reach validconclusions. Grade inflation may or may not be a big problem at your high school. To combat its negative effects, keep challenging yourself academically, and don't get too comfortable with an easy A! What's Next? Are you concerned about your academic performance in high school? Here's a step by step guide to calculating your GPA based on your grades so farand some advice on how to improve before you apply to college. How do you know if your GPA is good enough? Check out this article to find out what a good or bad GPA might mean for you. You can also read our expert guide on which classes you should take in high school to learn more about structuring your schedule. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Basking Sharks Essay Research Paper The Basking

Enjoying Sharks: Essay, Research Paper The Basking Shark: Hope for the Future? Introduction # 8211 ; What are the biological features, home ground, and value of enjoying sharks? I. Interrelated life signifiers populate the oceans. A. Photoplankton synthesize nutrient. 1. Using C dioxide 2. Dissolving minerals 3. Roll uping sunlight energy B. Small fish consume photoplankton. C. Zooplankton eats infinitesimal workss. 1. Sea worms 2. Jellyfish 3. Crustaceans D. Food concatenation ends with big animals. 1. Giants 2. Sharks E. Some of the largest animals feed on the smallest. II. Ocean creatures feed at assorted deepnesss of the sea. A. Most big animals gather at the top bed of the ocean. 1. Food is plentiful. 2. Water is warm. B. Small animals feed on organic dust deep in the ocean. 1. Fish 2. Crustaceans III. Fish species include 340 members. A. Skates B. Rays C. Chimeras D. Sharks 1. Not a bony fish 2. Skeleton made of gristle IV. Location of sharks A. Devil dog Waterss B. Tropical seas C. Subtropical Waterss V. Length of the shark varies. A. Whale shark every bit great as 49 pess B. Cookie-cutter shark every bit little as 19 inches VI. Agressiveness varies. A. Most appear to be aggressive carnivores. B. Some of the largest are plankton-eaters. VII. Sharks have non changed from the Cretaceous Period. A. Caused by great diverseness in behaviour B. Assortment of sizes C. Excellent version accomplishments VIII. Sharks belong to category Chondrichthyes. A. Scientific names of sharks 1. Whale sharks # 8211 ; rhincodon typus 2. Cookie-cutter sharks # 8211 ; Squaliolus laticaudus 3. Bull tiger shark # 8211 ; Galeocerdo Cuvier 4. Spiny dogfish # 8211 ; Squalus ancanthias 5. Great White Shark # 8211 ; Carcharodon Carcharias 6. Hammerhead shark # 8211 ; Sphymidae 7. Blue Shark # 8211 ; Prionace glauca 8. Basking Shark # 8211 ; Cetorhinus maximus B. Skeletons of Chondrichthyans are made of gristle. 1. Can be strenghened by sedimentations of minerals in countries of emphasis a. jaws b. vertebrae 2. Lighter than bone since sharks have no swim vesica 3. Material that is flexible for swimming and turning 4. Grows throughout life of shark IX. Specific features of the basking shark. A. Found in temperate oceans B. Length up to 43 pess C. Swims near surface 1. Seen sunning near top of H2O 2. May be in assortment of places a. back b. side c. high in H2O D. Feeds on plankton E. Enormous fish F. Mouth is big 1. Wide 2. Small-toothed G. Gill slits 1. Lined with long, bristle-like rakers 2. Five sets 3. Trap nutrient of plankton H. Originally hunted for its liver oil I. Not known to be unsafe J. Color blends with environment 1. Upper, dorsal surface is gray brown 2. Lower, ventricle surface is white 3. Seen less by enemies K. Fusiform organic structure 1. Rounded and tapered at both terminals 2. Reduces H2O clash 3. Requires minimal energy to swim L. Placoid Scales 1. Regular form 2. Reduce clash 3. Different from centoid graduated tables of bony fish M. Characteristics of the caput 1. Fives formed in lunula form 2. Mouth on bottom of caput 3. Wide separation of anterior nariss N. Characteristics of the dentitions 1. Small 2. Great in figure 3. Formed in parallel rows 4. Not meant for carniverous intents 5. Rows of dentitions develop continuously as replacings for functional dentitions 6. Not used for onslaught intents Ten. Scientists have recorded measurings of the basking shark. A. Babies are five to six pess at birth. B. Pacific Ocean basking sharks 1. 23 pess long 2. 6,600 pound. C. Atlantic Ocean basking sharks 1. 30 pess long 2. 8,600 pound. D. Others have observed lengths from 35 # 8211 ; 50 pess. Eleven. Sharks have been observed in many topographic points. A. Gulf of Maine swimming entirely B. Northeastern United States in big Numberss C. In winter, they move to warm clime D. Known boundaries 1. North # 8211 ; Nova Scotia and Newfoundland 2. South # 8211 ; Mediterranean Sea 3. West # 8211 ; North Carolina Twelve. Breeding forms are mostly unknown. A. Produce unrecorded immature B. Ovaries contain six million immature eggs. Thirteen. Sharks have been studied as a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease. A. Ability to defy disease B. Few tumours have been discovered by Smithsonian Institution C. Do non organize tumours when exposed to cancer-causing stuff D. Studies may take to assist for malignant neoplastic disease patients. 1. Immunoglobin ( IgM ) in shark? s blood onslaughts occupying substances. 2. Shark gristle may defy incursion by capillaries, shriveling tumours. 3. Drugs of gristle may command spread of blood vass that feed tumours. E. Several scientific discipline labs have studied the usage of shark gristle for malignant neoplastic disease remedies. 1. Dr. I. William Lane # 8211 ; Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer a. Studied in clinical tests at U.S. Food and Drug Administration B. Stops formation of new blood vass c. Prevents cancerous tumours through procedure of antiangiogenesis 2. Jing Chen in 1989 a. Oil emulsion from the Cetorhinus maximus is trade name new medical specialty. B. Improvement of patient? s status ( 1 ) Weight addition ( 2 ) Tumor shrinking ( 3 ) Life extension 3. Cancer Treatment Research Foundation survey is let downing. a. Cartilade trade name shark gristle was uneffective against advanced malignant neoplastic disease instances. ( 1 ) Breast ( 2 ) Colon ( 3 ) Lung ( 4 ) Prostate gland B. None of the 47 patients showed even partial tumour decrease. 4. Current surveies indicate inconclusive consequences. Decision: Current probes and modern cognition of the basking shark have opened new countries of survey with deductions for the wellness of adult male. The Basking Shark: Hope for Cancer Cure? The Basking Shark: Hope for a Cancer Cure? The oceans of the universe are populated with distinguishable but interconnected signifiers of life. The nutriment for all ocean life originates in the sunstruck surface beds, where microscopic workss called phytoplankton usage C dioxide, dissolved minerals, and the energy of sunshine to synthesise nutrient. Small fish and zooplankton floating animals such as sea worms, Portuguese man-of-war and crustaceans # 8211 ; browse on these minute workss, and the nutrient value therefore provided moves through consecutive stairss of predation, up the Marine nutrient web to the largest sea inhabitants ( Whipple 132 ) . Most of the giants, fish, and calamaris gather at the top beds of the ocean where the nutrient is plentiful and Waterss are warm. The fish and crustaceans of the deepnesss are fed by organic dust body waste and corpses # 8211 ; that drifts down from the surface Waterss. The ocean nutrient concatenation Begins with the little plankton and ends with the largest of the giants and sharks. Interestingly plenty, some of these largest species feed on the smallest of ocean animals ( Whipple 132 ) . The shark is a member of the three hundred 40 species of fish that along with skates, beams, and Chimeras are aggressively distinguished from the huge figure of cadaverous fish species by their skeletons made of gristle. Sharks are chiefly marine fish found in all seas and are particularly abundant in tropical and semitropical Waterss. They vary in size from the largest, the giant shark, which is 49 pess in length to the cookie-cutter shark which is less than 19 inches long. Sharks are best known as agressive carnivores that even attack their ain species. They eat about all big Marine animate beings in both shallow and deep seas. Two of the largest of the species, nevertheless, eat merely plankton ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . The sharks that exist today have non changed much from those in the Cretaceous Time period which occured more than one hundred million old ages ago. This ability to populate without much alteration over many centuries is caused by their great diverseness in behaviour and in size, demoing first-class version accomplishments ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . Sharks belong to the category Chondrichthyes along with the beams, skates, and other cartilaginous fish. The whale shark is classified as Rhincodon typus, the cookie-cutter shark as Squaliolus laticaudus, and the bull tiger shark as Galeocerdo Cuvier, the spinous bowfin as Squalus ancanthias, and the great white shark as Carcharodon Carcharias. Hammerhead sharks make up the household Sphymidae. The bluish shark is named Prionace glauca. The basking shark is classified as Cetorhinus maximus. It is this last shark species on which this paper concentrates ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . Chondrichthyans differ from osteichthyans, or bony fishes, whose skeletons are to a great extent calcified. A shark? s skeleton is made largely of gristle that can be strengthened by sedimentations of minerals in countries subjected to particular emphasis such as the jaws and vertebrae. Cartilage is an ideal tissue for sharks for several grounds. First, gristle is lighter than bone, of import for sharks which have no swim vesica # 8230 ; Second, gristle is a comparatively flexible stuff, giving tensile force to swimming and turning motions # 8230 ; Lastly, gristle can turn throughout the life of a shark ( Sharks and Stats 1 ) . The basking shark is the common name for the tremendous fish belonging to the shark household. It is found in all temperate oceans and can make a length of 43 pess. The basking shark normally swims near the surface of the H2O and provenders on plankton that is strained through its broad, small-toothed oral cavity and five braces of tremendous gill slits. Each gill is lined with long, bristlelike rakers that trap the plankton. The basking shark was one time hunted for the big measures of oil contained in its liver, but this pattern has been stopped. This shark is non known to be unsafe, but its size demands respect ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . The basking shark is a immense, gray fish that is merely 2nd in size to the giant shark. Like most sharks, it is characterized by a fusiform organic structure which is rounded and tapered at both ends. This streamlined, cylindrical form reduces the clash of the H2O and requires a lower limit of energy to swim. In add-on, the placoid graduated tables which are arranged in a regular form cut down the clash of the H2O by imparting the H2O flow over the organic structure. These are really different from the comb-like graduated tables of bony fish which overlap to supply both protection and lissomeness ( Sharks and Stats 2 ) . The colour of the upper surface of the basking shark is a gray brown, slate Grey, or even black. The lower surface is normally white ( Bigelow and Shroeder ) . This countershading, a type of colour in which the dorsal side is darker than the ventral side, enables the shark to intermix with the environment and be seen less easy by marauders and quarry ( Sharks and Stats 1 ) . Observations from scientists have recorded a assortment of measurings from 35 to 50 pess in length. The babes are normally five to six pess when they are born. Estimated weights for smaller 23 pes enjoying sharks from the Pacific Ocean are 6,600 lbs where the larger 30 pes enjoying sharks from the Atlantic weigh every bit much as 8,600 lbs ( Bigelow and Schroeder 147 ) . The fives of the basking shark are shaped in a half Moon form, the oral cavity is positioned on the bottom of the caput, and there is a broad separation of anterior nariss from the oral cavity. The gills are so big that they surround the cervix of the basking shark with the first brace about meeting below the pharynx. On the interior border of each gill are found a great figure of thorny, bristle-like rakers directed inward and forward. The oral cavity is really big and can open at the corners with easiness. On big specimens, the olfactory organ is short and conic with a rounded tip ( Bigalow and Schroeder 147 ) . The dentition of the basking shark are formed in parallel rows like those of other shark species. These dentitions are really little and great in figure to fit their map. These sharks have no demand to turn big, serrated dentition of the more carnivorous assortments. ? Several rows of replacing dentitions develop continuously throughout life behind the outer row of functional dentitions? ( Sharks and Stats 2 ) . The basking shark is a big non-threatening fish that is frequently seen sunning itself on the surface of the H2O and that is why it is named? basking. ? Because of its minute dentition, it is helpless to assail. Often the shark suns itself with its dorsum and dorsal fin high out of the H2O, on its side, or even on its dorsum ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . Sometimes it loafs along with the neb out of the H2O, its oral cavity unfastened, while garnering its repast of plankton. The shark spends so small clip paying attending to boats that it can easy come within harpoon scope of shark huntsmans. These sharks besides have been seen leaping out of the H2O ( Bigelow and Schroeder 62 ) . Enjoying sharks are normally seen in the Gulf of Maine going entirely. Sometimes, nevertheless, they are seen in the northeasterly United States and in the northern portion of their scope in the Atlantic in loose schools that include every bit many as 60 to a 100 members. During the warm portion of the twelvemonth, enjoying sharks are often seen in the northeasterly United States. In the winter, they frequently move to deeper H2O where the temperature of the H2O does non fall so low ( Bigelow and Shroeder ) . The most interesting distinctive feature of the basking shark is its funny diet. This big animal chows entirely on bantam oceanic animate beings. It sifts these out of the H2O with its greatly developed gill rakers, precisely like other plankton-feeders. Their tummies have been found packed with minute Crustacea ; digestion is so rapid that the nutrient swallowed is shortly reduced to a soupy mass ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . Enjoying sharks produce unrecorded immature like other sharks in their species although really small is known about the construction of the genteelness forms. The female is known to hold ovaries incorporating six million immature eggs alternatively of the few that are prevailing in other sharks ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . The basking shark was originally thought to be an Artic species. Now, nevertheless, it is known that it is an dweller of the North Atlantic and the thermic belts of the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The Northern boundary of the normal scope of the enjoying shark of the North Atlantic appears to be Nova Scotia and Newfoundland ; the Southern boundary is every bit far as the Mediterranean Sea. North Carolina appears to organize the western boundary ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . At one clip, enjoying sharks every bit good as sperm giants were normally caught off the seashore of Massachusetts. Their cherished oil was treasured as a beginning for lamp oil by the settlers. However, their Numberss were shortly depleted by overfishing ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . During the last 20 old ages, sharks and their relations have been the object of serious survey peculiarly in the hunt for a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease: Sharks and their relations, the skates and beams, have enjoyed enormous success during their about 400 million old ages of being on Earth. One ground for this surely is their eldritch ability to defy disease # 8230 ; tumour incidence in these animate beings is carefully monitored by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. ( Luer 1 ) . In surveies at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, scientists are experimenting to find whether tumours can be produced in sharks and skates by exposing them to potent cancer-causing chemicals. No alterations in the tissues of the sharks or their familial stuff of all time resulted in cancerous tumours to be formed. After 10 old ages of research, the scientists have concluded that the resistence to disease can be explained by the immunoglobin ( IgM ) which ? circulates in the shark blood at really high degrees and appears to be ready to assail invading substances at all times # 8230 ; This information may someday take to improved methods of immune cell ordinance in worlds, particularly malignant neoplastic disease patients? ( Luer 1-2 ) . In the 1980? s, surveies conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) and at Mote Marine Laboratory tried to verify the value of utilizing shark gristle for both malignant neoplastic disease and arthritis: These surveies of cow and shark gristle were designed to understand how gristle is of course able to defy incursion by blood capillaries. If the footing for this suppression could be identified, it was reasoned, so it might take to the development of a new drug therapy. Such a drug could command the spread of blood vass feeding a cancerous tumour, or the redness associated with arthritis ( Luer 2 ) . The primary advocate of the benefits of shark gristle has been Dr. I. William Lane. In his book, Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer, Lane claims that? usage of whole shark gristle has proven so effectual as an alternate malignant neoplastic disease therapy that it is now being studied in human clinical tests conducted under the protections of the United States Food and Drug Administration? ( 6 ) . The benefit of shark gristle is touted as a therapy which stops the formation of new blood vass and, hence, prevents the growing of cancerous tumours. This procedure was named antiangiogenesis ( anti = against, angio = blood, generation = formation of ) ( 8 ) . Research continues with the enjoying shark as a topic. In 1989, it was reported by Jing Chen that an oil emulsion from the? Cetorhinus maximus is a bran-new anti-carcinoma medical specialty made from marine beings. Marked betterment of the patient? s status such as weight addition, partial shrinking of the conceited ball and life extension constitute the distinctive characteristics of oil emulsion of Cetorhinus maximus? ( 41-45 ) . Consequences of the largest current survey announced in May, 1997, by the non-profit Cancer Treatment Research Foundation in Arlington Heights, Illinois, were dissatisfactory. The research found that Cartilade trade name shark gristle was uneffective against advanced instances of chest, colon, lung, and prostate malignant neoplastic disease. None of the 47 patients showed even partial tumour decrease after 12 hebdomads ( Environmental Nutrition 7 ) . Although Lane? s work continues to be followed, research efforts to verify his work has non been satisfactory. It was during a feature narrative on 60 Minutess when Mike Wallace interviewed Lane in Cuba that the narrative became well-known in America. The consequences of the study were inconclusive but the involvement of the American people had been whetted ( Braun 5 ) . The value of the shark has yet to be to the full determined as a medical intervention for homo disease. However, the current probes surely have opened new countries of survey for these monolithic animals of the warm oceans who have existed for 1000000s of old ages. The shark may be the key to adult male? s hereafter. The Basking Shark: Hope for the Future? Introduction # 8211 ; What are the biological features, home ground, and value of enjoying sharks? I. Interrelated life signifiers populate the oceans. A. Photoplankton synthesize nutrient. B. Small fish consume photoplankton. C. Zooplankton eats infinitesimal workss. D. Food concatenation ends with big animals. E. Some of the largest animals feed on the smallest. II. Ocean creatures feed at assorted deepnesss of the sea. A. Most big animals gather at the top bed of the ocean. B. Small animals feed on organic dust deep in the ocean. III. Fish species include 340 members. A. Skates B. Rays C. Chimeras D. Sharks IV. Location of sharks A. Devil dog Waterss B. Tropical seas C. Subtropical Waterss V. Length of the shark varies. A. Whale shark every bit great as 49 pess B. Cookie-cutter shark every bit little as 19 inches VI. Agressiveness varies. A. Most appear to be aggressive carnivores. B. Some of the largest are plankton-eaters. VII. Sharks have non changed from the Cretaceous Period. A. Caused by great diverseness in behaviour B. Assortment of sizes C. Excellent version accomplishments VIII. Sharks belong to category Chondrichthyes. A. Scientific names of sharks B. Skeletons of Chondrichthyans are made of gristle. IX. Specific features of the basking shark. A. Found in temperate oceans B. Length up to 43 pess C. Swims near surface D. Feeds on plankton E. Enormous fish F. Mouth is big G. Gill slits H. Originally hunted for its liver oil I. Not known to be unsafe J. Color blends with environment K. Fusiform organic structure L. Placoid Scales M. Characteristics of the caput N. Characteristics of the dentitions Ten. Scientists have recorded measurings of the basking shark. A. Babies are five to six pess at birth. B. Pacific Ocean basking sharks C. Atlantic Ocean basking sharks D. Others have observed lengths from 35 # 8211 ; 50 pess. Eleven. Sharks have been observed in many topographic points. A. Gulf of Maine swimming entirely B. Northeastern United States in big Numberss C. In winter, they move to warm clime D. Known boundaries Twelve. Breeding forms are mostly unknown. A. Produce unrecorded immature B. Ovaries contain six million immature eggs. Thirteen. Sharks have been studied as a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease. A. Ability to defy disease B. Few tumours have been discovered by Smithsonian Institution C. Do non organize tumours when exposed to cancer-causing stuff D. Studies may take to assist for malignant neoplastic disease patients. E. Several scientific discipline labs have studied the usage of shark gristle for malignant neoplastic disease remedies. 1. Dr. I. William Lane # 8211 ; Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer 2. Jing Chen in 1989 3. Cancer Treatment Research Foundation survey is let downing. 4. Current surveies indicate inconclusive consequences. Decision: Current probes and modern cognition of the basking shark have opened new countries of survey with deductions for the wellness of adult male. Plants Cited ? Basking Shark, ? 98 Encyclopedia. Computer Software. California: Microsoft Encarta, 1998. CD-ROM. Bigelow and Schroeder. ? Fishs of the Gulf of Maine. ? United States Government Printing Office, 1953. Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bigelowand Braun, Wendy R. ? A Different Kind of Shark Attack ( Shark Cartilage for Cancer Prevention ) . ? Medical Update. Abstract. Health Reference Center. Las Vegas-Clark County Library District. 26 Apr. 1998. Sept. 1996: 5. Chen, Jing, Weiguo Wang, Huozhong Zhang, et. Al. ? Oil Emulsion of Cetorhinus Maximus in Treating Malignant Tumors: A Clinical Observation of 45 Cases. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. 41-45. Available: J.-MAR.-DRUGS-HAIYANG-YAOWU. Lane, Dr. I William and Linda Comac. Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1996. Luer, Dr. Carl A. ? Sharks and Cancer. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //marinelab. ? Shark, ? 98 Encyclopedia. Computer Software. California: Microsoft Encarta, 1998. CD-ROM. ? Shark Facts and Stats: General Characteristics. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // ? So Far, Shark Cartilage Is a Fishy Treatment For Cancer. ? Environmental Nutrition. Abstract. Health Reference Center. Las Vegas-Clark County Library District. 26 Apr. 1998. Sept. 1997: 7. Whipple, A.B.C. Restless Oceans. Planet Earth Ser. Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books, 1983.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The British invasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The British invasion - Essay Example According to Curtis (1987), rock music is a common name of many musical styles that emerged in the mid 50s. Rock is not just music; rock became a global cultural phenomenon and formed the basis of many subcultures. The origins of rock music are blues, but rather, in rhythm and blues - a synthetic genre of popular music, primarily African-American musicians performed elements of jazz, blues and gospel in it. In continuation it is necessary to add that American rock and roll is the earliest genre of rock music, which combined the features of blues, rhythm and blues, jazz, boogie-woogie and country music in it. Naturally, America, being a home to all of these genres, was the most successful in promoting rock and roll, and the most famous ‘pioneers’ of rock and roll came from the United States too. The United States occupied a dominant position in rock music until the early 60s, when in England began to appear the bands playing a new style of dance music – bits under the influence of folk music. Then appeared merseybeat style of music, which was among the bits subgenres and was presented by Gerry & The Pacemakers, The Searchers, Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, as well as early The Beatles recordings were made in this style. It was The Beatles who were able to press American artists in the charts with their single â€Å"I Want To Hold Your Hand†, and begun the British invasion. Observing the British invasion it becomes obvious that the British rock groups, famous rhythm-and-blues teams, began a rapid rise in their activities. Their hits were as popular as it was possible and even in American charts they have occupied leading places; the glory of the British rock groups flew in a few seconds all over the world. Records and tapes were swept from the shelves as fast as possible, they were overwritten by fans, and resell for big money. In general, it was a real feast of Rock. Musical groups included in the wave of the British invasion were divi ded into different areas of rock music. The most successful with a more melodic and soft merseybeat were Herman's Hermits, Manfred Mann, The Hollies, The Searchers, while easy beat with elements of folk music was played by The Zombies. Analyzing the British invasion, Curtis (1987) stated that â€Å"though not all of the bands sounded similar -- they ranged from the hard rock of the Rolling Stones and the Kinks to the sweet pop of Gerry & the Pacemakers and Herman's Hermits - each group was heavily influenced by American rock & roll, blues, and R&B.† Many groups have been actively influenced by rhythm and blues, for example, The Yardbirds, as well as The Animals, famous for the use of organ music. According to Friedlander (1996), exactly legendary The Rolling Stones achieved the greatest success and undeniable popularity. Their image was much more aggressive in comparison with the performers of merseybeat, and songs, such as the famous â€Å"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction†, sounded much heavier. The Rolling Stones were perceived by the American public as more "acute" and even a dangerous group. They positioned their music, as closer to the traditional "black" rhythm and blues. They created a specific image which separated them from the environment of beat artists such as The Beatles, who were harmless pop band on their background, more acceptable by the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Time constrained assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Time constrained assessment - Essay Example In economic terms the needs and wants of individuals, companies, organizations, and whole countries are transformed into demand. This law of society raises the basic economic problem, as all these needs and wants can be satisfied only to certain extent as the resources required for its satisfaction are limited. Scarcity occurs when people want more than can be satisfied with the resources they have (Wessels 2006 2). Therefore, in order to satisfy certain needs and wants people have to choose among alternative uses of their scarce resources, such, for example, as time or money (Wessels 2006, 1). However, the economics as a study embraces a broader picture of this issue, taking into consideration not only those who consume but also those who produce. In terms of this concept, there is naturally raised the whole set of questions, such as: what goods to produce, how to produce these goods, and for whom to produce it. These questions are known as Samuelson's three questions (Howarth 2013) and help to solve the problem of scarcity resources. What to produce? – Answer to this question helps people to decide the best combination of goods and services to meet their needs (Howarth 2013). ... For whom to produce? – This question makes people to decide who will get the output from the country’s economic activity, and how much they will get (Howarth 2013). For example, who will consume these grown vegetables or fruits that have been grown? This situation forces all actors to make choices and to prefer one choice to another one. In economics, this concept of the value, people refuse from, is known as the opportunity cost (Wessels 2006, 3). Opportunity cost, also known as economic cost, is the â€Å"cost of a scarce factor of production used to produce a good or service, as opposed to another that could have been used, instead of the one adopted† (Collin 2006, 58). To illustrate the concept of the opportunity costs there can be used the following example relative to student’s life and education. The opportunity cost of going to the university is the money a student would have earned if he worked instead during the 5 years of study. Here time is a s carce resource, which an individual can spend either by getting a degree or earning money. However, by graduating the university there is increased chance for a person to find a better paid job due to the professional qualification gained and thus to recover the lost wages (Investopedia.Com). Thus, an individual has to make a choice between going to university and being employed for a given period of time. The risk of achieving greater benefits with another option is the opportunity cost (Investopedia.Com). In order to illustrate the economic problem and opportunity costs faced by a person, company, or economy can be used the Production Possibility Frontier, also known as production possibility curve. Production Possibility Frontier is a graph

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Motivational Letter Example Essay Example for Free

Motivational Letter Example Essay This letter is to express my interest in bringing my diverse professional background and experience to your organization.   I possess excellent interpersonal skills and am effective in motivating, mentoring, and coaching others demonstrating solid leadership skills. As you can gather from my attached resume, I am currently working as a Realtor for a major real estate firm.   My professional background includes working in both the public and private sector and it demonstrates my flexibility and adaptability to work in a variety of work environments. In addition to the skills noted on my attached resume, I can also offer your organization: Excellent customer service skills and a proven ability to increase customer satisfaction. An ability to work in a fast-paced environment utilizing my multi-tasking skills. Self-motivated and goal-oriented professional dedicated to achieving personal and professional growth. It is my hope that my education and professional experience will convey to you that I have the qualifications to make a valuable contribution as a School Counselor at any institution.   Should you have any questions, I can be reached at the number listed above.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sphere :: essays research papers

SPHERE is a great unpredictable and exciting novel. The transformations between Introduction,Rising Action, Climax, and the Summary is almost perfect. As the wire snagged something the crew laying the cable on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean realized they had a problem for their were no shipwrecks on the chart. They told someone and this went up the corporate line of command and soon the military found out that their was something on the bottom of the ocean and that they had to investigate. The military put together a team of people ranging from a psychologist to a mathematician. They called in Norman Johnson to lead the team he was a psychologist who had dealt with many, many disasters in his years. He comes in and comforts eyewitnesses who can't deal with the sight and helps victims and family members deal with the loss of friends and family. Norman was called one day and told that their was an emergency and that they wanted him to come in and work. He suspected that it was another plane crash. This guess of his was bursted when he was loaded onto a military helicopter and took off. He flew over the dark blue Pacific ocean and flew for what was hours but seemed to be days. Hours and hours of dark blue water was ended with a speck of a ship that turned into an entire fleet of navy research vessels. He knew then that this was no ordinary plane crash. The introduction of the book is very grabbing. You feel that this is just going to keep building and become fantastic. This feeling of amazement stays with throughout the introduction. As the rising action starts to take off you just sink into the same world that Norman, Beth, and Harry, the three protagonists, are living in. You start to feel claustrophobic as your reading about how confining the habitat on the ocean floor is. After the rising action gets going the "gang" as we will refer to them as will meet many hard problems and take risks. They battle with the giant squid near the begging of rising action. That was a case when something was heading toward the habitat and the couldn't tell what it was this thing was flying at the habitat when it stopped and seemed to disappear. The next encounter wasn't as easily escaped the thing reached up through an open hatch and with it's huge eye looked in and tracked the crew of the habitat running about trying to escape him. They finally figured out a way to defend the habitat to some degree against the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Lang’s Alcohol Study: An Analysis

The study conducted by researcher Alan Lang on the effects of alcohol represented one of the first approaches to using the double-blind form of study. A double-blind study is a type of study in which neither the participants nor the experimenters themselves know who has received the treatment. In Lang’s (1975) study, he and his colleagues pre-tested amounts of vodka and tonic water, and plain tonic water, to determine whether or not the two can be significantly differentiated from one another. After learning that the two were virtually the same in taste, they recruited college men who described themselves as social drinkers to become participants in the study. Some of the participants drank vodka and tonic water while others drank tonic water alone. It was then revealed in the study that practically half of the men who drank vodka and tonic water thought they were drinking tonic water only, while those who did drink tonic water alone thought their drink was mixed with vodka. The last part of the experiment entailed provoking the participants, and the result was that those who believed that they had drunk vodka displayed more anger than those who thought they had drank tonic water only. It can be said then that the primary purpose of Lang’s entire study was to discover the effects of alcohol on human behavior. However, his study deviated from the normal process of using alcohol as a means of studying behavior because of the incorporated element of a double-blind. Also, his study could be defined as a correlational one, as it basically sought to find a relationship between the alcohol and the provoked aggressiveness among the participants. Only a primary source was used, and the subjects in this case were college students of the male gender. As for the selection of the participants for the study however, random selection was not utilized as only men who specifically described themselves as social drinkers were chosen to take part. The reason for this was probably because it was imperative for the results of the study that the participants be drinkers by nature, as only they could effectively have the best chance of differentiating vodka and tonic from tonic water alone. To do random selection would have been difficult as the researchers would have no guarantee as to the drinking preferences of the participants. The sampling method used was also not stratified, as in stratification, the sample population is first divided into a number of parts or â€Å"strata,† in order to relate it to the major variables being studied. The independent variable (IV) in this case is the alcohol given to the participants, whether it was vodka and tonic or plain tonic water alone. The dependent variable (DV) was the response of the participants, specifically the level of aggression displayed in response to the provocation done by the researchers. The theory for this study is that it was done in order to determine the effects alcohol could have on behavior, regardless of whether it (alcohol) was actually given or if it was merely perceived. A probable hypothesis would be that it the mere perception that alcohol was a part of one’s drink could effectively lead to a change in behavior on the part of the participants, without the need for the actual consumption of the alcohol. As evidenced by the documented results, this is exactly what happened. While the research is for the most part valid, especially with the use of the double-blind approach, there are nevertheless certain flaws in the procedure and methodology that could be improved upon by those who would later conduct related studies. First of all, the length of time with which the experiment was done could have been lengthened so that there would be more time to test the reactions of the participants. The use of other forms of alcohol other than vodka and tonic water would have also been a welcome addition to the process of the research, as it would lend even more credibility to the results of the study. The provocation itself could be placed under question; the researchers should have first taken steps to make sure that the provocation would not unknowingly trigger any previously stored extreme emotions. As an example, if one of the participants were black and the provocation was racially charged, this could serve to heighten the aggravated response of the participant as opposed to what would have been only a normal reaction. Perhaps the largest extraneous variable of all was the non-random selection of participants for the study. While it is noted that the researchers needed participants to be social drinkers to validate the differentiation process, there could have been other ways to better improve selection and reduce bias and other threats to validity. What could have been done was to select a large population of college students randomly and then determine who among those selected were drinkers. From that sample, the researchers could have then applied another randomization process to come up with the final list of participants. Nevertheless, in summary the Lang study has proven to contribute much to the body of knowledge in psychology, and for all its faults, still remains to be one of the classic psychological experiments worthy of emulation. Works Cited Rathus, Spencer. Psychology: Concepts and Connections, 9th Ed.. Thomson and Wadworth, 2007. Jung, John. Psychology of Alcohol and Other Drugs: A Research Perspective. Sage Publications, Inc., 2000. Haggert, Steve. Medical Psychology of Alcohol Drinking and Addiction: Index of New Information and References. Abbe Pub Assn. of Washington D.C., 1996 G

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Moral Dilemmas Essay

Moral Dilemmas, Moral Strategies, and the Transformation of Gender Lessons from Two Generations of Work and Family Change Women seek personal development by caring for others and men care for others by sharing the rewards of independent achievement are the traditional social norm in the 20th century. In the 21st century, people started to question whether women and men should really be separated into two distinct, opposed and unchanging moral categories. Women and men now have conflicts and tensions between family and work, public and private, autonomy and commitment, for these, gender dichotomy cannot be used to solve as in the past. Undoubtedly, gender dichotomy in moral orientation can resolve the universal tension to certain extent, but it is only prescriptive rather than descriptive. Gender is a social institution rather than an inherent trait and it is now transforming. Women now seek self-sufficiency economically and socially, they seek personal and social commitment outside the home, while men’s breadwinning role and obligation to support women and children diminish. Women and men are now facing socially structured moral dilemma. Investigating how the new generation thinks, the interview reveals that the young generation believes that it is difficult to keep a relationship with balanced autonomy and commitment. They believed that it is not morally wrong to end the relationship if the two do not get along well. Ending the relationship would be better than keeping a bad relationship, not only to the couple, but also to their children. Also, they appreciated their mothers if they work and think that both women and men should care for the family both financially and emotionally. As it seems difficult to apportion moral labor by gender-neutral strategies, women and men diverge in their opinion in gender role. Men prefer the Neotraditionalism, that is, the couple share the breadwinning but the women have to place family first, but this collide with what the women long for, autonomy before commitment, and they want to be economically independent. In my opinion, this gender transformation has significant importance to people in the 21st century, especially to women. In the past, because of the gender dichotomy, women are restrained from work and are expected to stay at home to manage the household, e. g. look after the children, do the household chores, they have to devote all their time to the family and have to give up their dreams, even if they are talented or have potential in some fields, they do not have the opportunity to explore into their careers. Also, they have to be tolerant to the household violence just because they are economically dependent and they rely on their husbands for living. They do not have the working ability because they have spent most of their time in the family and they have already been detached from the outside work society. It is also difficult for them to find jobs because of the social and cultural environment that do not encourage women working. As a result, women are trapped in the marriage for their whole life. On the other hand, the traditional gender dichotomy does not only give disadvantages to the women, men also suffer from that. Men are the sole breadwinner in the family and they have to bear the pressure to earn the living for the whole family. Because they have to work hard to support the family financially, always with long working hours, they may not have time to care for their children. They have less time and opportunity to communicate with the children and build good relationships with them. Men have no choice but to sacrifice the time with their family. Now, we are lucky that the gender difference is getting smaller and the moral obligation for men and women are not so obviously divided. Though there are still structural and cultural contradictions in the society nowadays, women and men now enjoy more freedom to choose what they want to do to attain a balance between family and work, autonomy and commitment. To help with the transformation, more family-friendly elements should be added to the society and in the workplace to help women and men to strive for their success in both their careers and their families.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation

Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation By definition, an exoskeleton is a skeleton on the outside of the body. One example of an exoskeleton is the hard outer covering that makes up the skeleton of many insects. However, today there is a new invention that claims the name of exoskeleton. Exoskeletons for human performance augmentation is a new type of body army being developed for soldiers that will significantly increase their capacity. An exoskeleton will allow you to carry more without feeling the weight, and move faster too. History of Exoskeleton General Electric developed the first exoskeleton device in the 1960s. Called the Hardiman, it was a hydraulic and electrical body suit, however, it was too heavy and bulky to be of military use. Currently, exoskeleton development is being done by DARPA under their Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation Program lead by Dr. John Main. DARPA began phase I of the exoskeleton program in 2001. Phase I contractors included Sarcos Research Corporation, University of California, Berkeley, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. DARPA selected two contractors to enter the program’s second phase in 2003, Sarcos Research Corporation and the University of California, Berkeley. The program’s final phase, which began in 2004, is being conducted by the Sarcos Research Corporation and focuses on development of a fast-moving, heavily armored, high-power lower and upper body system. Sarcos Research Corporation The Sarcos exoskeleton being developed for DARPA utilizes a number of technological innovations, including. A combustion-based driver to support advanced hydraulic actuators that produce robotic limb movements with very high strength, speed, bandwidth, and efficiency; and,A control system that allows the operator to move naturally, unencumbered and without additional fatigue, while the exoskeleton carries the payload. Application-specific packages can be attached to the exoskeleton. These packages could include mission-specific supplies, protective outer coverings capable of operation in extreme threat and weather conditions, various electronic systems, weapons, or supplies and instrumentation for medical support and surveillance. The exoskeleton could also be used to move material in places inaccessible to vehicles, on board ships, and where forklifts are not available.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Comparison of Ingre's 'Grande Odalisque' and Titan's 'Venus of Urbino' Essay

Comparison of Ingre's 'Grande Odalisque' and Titan's 'Venus of Urbino' - Essay Example The depiction of the female nudity in history of art exists in plenty; as does the archetype from which these nudes got styled. Titian and Ingres were deliberated as some of the most significant artists of their time; accredited with being broad - minded and conservative (Gardner 290). Noting the painters and paintings, they stand as genius on their own considering their individual contributions which are monumental to the corresponding movements. Through identifying these works through their separate form content and context, the two works will be compared and contrasted. It remains easy to describe Ingres as a consistent supporter of the Neo - Classical stylishness from his period in David's studio to the mid19th century. Ingres returned to Neo - Classics after having overruled the lessons of David, his teacher, and after having set the foundation for the emotional Romanticism expressiveness, the new style of young Delacroix and Gericault that Ingres would ultimately defend. Ingres' early Romantic penchants can be seen most legendarily in his work â€Å"La Grande Odalisque† painted in 1814. On Ingres’, Grande Odalisque, a languid nude is outlaid in a sumptuous interior. On its first glance this nude appears to follow in the convention of the Venetian masters, for instance, Venus of Urbino (1538) by Titian. However, upon closer scrutiny, it seems that this is not a classical setting. Instead, Ingres has generated a distant eroticism emphasized by its exotic context. This work is full of sensuality, idealization and mystery. The background seems quite undefined with a purported black portion that makes it more attractive. The different shades of bluish clothing and decorations make the picture more striking to the viewer. The woman’s gaze, like Titan’s Venus, is directed straight towards the spectator and the fan made of peacock feathers in her hand looks as if it has just been used. Odalisque position and size gives a deeper meaning although, it is much more than a naked lady staring at the viewer. She reflects her life as a concubine, on her duties . She is believed to have been part of the sultan’s harem, she was there to satiate the lascivious pleasures of the sultan, despite what she may want or feel. She reflects a woman with deep thoughts, complex feelings and emotions (Lewis 328). In the cognizance of a 19th century French male observer, the sort of individual for whom this picture was made from, the odalisque would have made up not only a harem slave, being itself a fallacy, but a set of desires and fears connected to the long aggression history between Islamic Asia and Christian Europe. Certainly, Ingres' porcelain sexuality is acceptable even to a progressively prudish French culture due to its subject's distance. While the Renaissance painter Titan veiled his eroticism in myths, Ingres covered his piece of desire in a murky exoticism. Some art historians suggest that colonial politics played a role too on the work. France was expanding its African and Eastern possessions, often brutally at this time (Gardner 4 41). The myth of the barbarian served the French who would then claim a moral authoritative. Incidentally, on clear look, anyone can notice something "wrong" with the figure's anatomy. Titian is deliberated to have been an outstanding Venetian painter of the 16th - century, and the former of the Venetian colorist and painterly tradition. He remains one of the significant figures in the Western art history. Tiziano Vercelli got born in the northern Venice, in 1477. He got trained by both Giorgione and Bellini, and after

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Top 10 Natural Disasters of the Year Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Top 10 Natural Disasters of the Year - Essay Example 10 natural disasters that have made people homeless, children orphan and has taken the lives of millions in the year 2013 are: Chad, Drought (June2012- February 2013) Mindanao floods, Philippines (January)  Ã‚   Yunnan earthquake, China (March)   Guangdong Storm, China (March) Sichuan Earthquake of China (April) Argentina, Buenos Aires floods (April) Namibia, Drought (May) Hubei Flood, Guan gong, China (May) Patuakhali cyclone, Bangladesh (May)   Sichuan Flood, Gansu, China (June) (Aspi, 2013) Chad, Drought (June2012- February 2013) In 2012 Chad experienced the worst drought in its history. From 2010 about five regions of the country have been affected by drought. During this time the production of cereal reduced to 50 percent of the country’s production in 2010’s. To worsen the situation the neighboring countries cut the supply of food and the income on which the citizens of this region rely on. Almost 18 million citizen across Africa faced hunger as a result of this step. It was the poor governance of the concerning authorities and the low quality infrastructure that increased the difficulties of the people affected from drought. Mindanao floods, Philippines (January) It was due to the heavy rain and flood that about 100,000 people got displaced in Manila, Philippines. According to the report presented by National Reduction and Management Council about 23,886 families and 100,994 people flee from their homes due to bad weather conditions. About 5,912 families and 26,828 people were living in 46 evacuation centers across Philippines whereas 19,974 families and 74,166 people were staying with their friends or relatives. Properties worth 71 million were damage as the result of this flood. Assistance worth 3.27 million was provided to the residents affected by flood. Yunnan earthquake, China (March) The area of South Western China that killed hundreds of residents, destroying the houses of hundreds of people also forced people to migrate to a safer place. This earthquake affected a wide area including Yunnan. The magnitude of this earthquake as recorded by the China Earthquake Administration was 5.9 whereas the magnitude reported by U.S. geological survey was 5.9. The China Earthquake Information Administration while citing the provincial civil affair department of Yunnan said that 5 people died as the result of this earthquake and about 17 were injured in the cities of Deqen and Shangri-La. The condition of six injured people is still serious. This earth quake destroyed 600 residential units and around 55,000 of these units were damaged. The flood caused around 9,000 residential units to relocate. Guangdong Storm, China (March) Typhoon Usagi arrived in the province of Guangdong in the south of China, bringing along winds at 165 km per hour accompanied by massive storm and heavy rain and flooding a wide area. At least 25 of the residents died on the first day in the city of Shanweim present in the province of Guangdong. The storm destroyed 7000 homes and around 80,000 people were evacuated from the residential units present in province Fujian. The storm also caused transport network disruption in the southern area China. This Typhoon before hitting Guangdong has been the cause of a number of fatalities in Taiwan and Philippines as well. Sichuan Earthquake of China (April) The earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit the Lushan Country area